Jan 26 2018
A number of new applications focus on making information systems and machines recognize their users and take into account their separate requirements and emotions. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd analyzed how ordinary consumers could consistently verify the operation of systems, with the help of human senses.
In the future, AI systems and machines will have an in depth understanding of the actions of their human users. Even now, AI is capable of generating an image of what a human is watching on the screen by just recording brain activity or deducing the emotions of people from microexpressions obtained from their faces.
In the Human Verifiable Computing project, VTT employed augmented and virtual reality to create solutions for developing trust between systems and people and enabling the verification of information security. This is a significant aspect of the digital future, in which collaboration between computers and people will be an easy part of daily life.
Augmented and virtual reality technologies let us make fuller use of our senses and enable the constant mutual evaluation of reliability between humans and machines.
Kimmo Halunen VTT Senior Scientist
Developing cryptographically verifiable computing available to human users was a vital part of the project.
The project established functionalities involving computing confirmed with human senses. For instance, augmented reality was employed for distributing single-use passwords, which could then be employed via voice recognition. Augmented reality was also employed for giving multisensory feedback by presenting visual instructions to a maintenance worker who turns a valve and then receives an error message if the valve is incorrectly operated. The message can be applied as an interactive image and also presented via audio on the user's smart glasses. Furthermore, it is possible to provide haptic feedback by allowing the user's smart watch or other mobile devices to vibrate.
The results of the project specify that the fundamental technology needed for the verification of computing with the human senses has already been made available. The integration of safety information and augmented reality will also enable new services.
Existing cryptographic methods and protocols are almost always applied to communication between machines. Including the user in the interaction will however, need additional research and system and application development and further study of human behavior.