Oct 15 2014
Research and Markets has announced the addition of Wintergreen Research, Inc's new report "Industrial Logistics Robots Market " to their offering.
Worldwide industrial logistics robotics markets are increasingly diversified, poised to achieve significant growth in every industry segment. As production of goods and services embrace automated process, logistics robots are being used to adapt conveyor belts, end of the line tasks, and loading to a flexible systems approach. Automated process depends on introduction of new logistics capability. The robots are taking over, they have remote controls to enable a device to make it do whatever the user wants it to do.
Industrial logistics robotics projects are ongoing worldwide with an emphasis on end to end process automation. The key to industrial robots implementation is keeping costs down. Adapting existing tools, implementing commercial mechanisms, and loading and unloading pallets is emerging as the best way to build viable robots. High value projects are a target of robotic development.
Industrial logistics robots are used to improve the delivery of consistent quality materials management and to implement efficiency in managing food production. Robots are set to bring a new industrial revolution more important than anything seen before.
Key Topics:
- Industrial Logistics Robots
- Palletizing Robots
- Industrial Robots
- Logistics Robots
- DePalletizing Robots
- Manufacturing Robots
- Automotive Robots
- Logistics Material Handling
- Logistics Palletizing Robotic
- Packaging Logistics Robot
- Materials Handling Logistics
- Industrial Life Science and Pharmaceutical Logistics Robots
- Food and Beverage Logistics
- Semiconductor and Electronics Logistics Robots
- Electrical Logistics Robots
- Logistical Robot Use
- Palletizing Robots
You Must Have This Study:
- Markets Reach $31.3 Billion By 2020
- Automated processed at manufacturing end points drives logistic robots sales
- Palletizing and depalletizing boxes and bottles of different shapes becomes possible
Market Opportunity:
- Companies use automated process to achieve competitive advantage
- Logistics robots allow flexible systems
- End to end process improvement achieved with logistics robotics
Market Challenges:
- Every logistics robot system needs to be customized
- Rapid technological shift needs to be embraced
- Training becomes an issue as new systems are implemented or existing systems are improved
For more information visit http://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/sjn7ch/industrial