This artilce introduces the reader to baby Affetto, the world’s most advanced infant robot, to help study child cognitive development.
Efforts are being made to curb underwater pollution using a robotic fish used to track underwater pollution levels and underwater life.
Robotic manipulators enhance operational efficiency, handling tasks in manufacturing, medicine, and space with advanced kinematic configurations.
By Samudrapom Dam
11 Sep 2024
Research on automated limb structures has contributed efforts to help design robotic arms that have similar functions to that of a human arm.
Wearable robots have been introduced to help people with physical impairment, but recognizing the user’s intention remains a challenging task.
By Mihaela Dimitrova
27 Aug 2019
Pharmacy robots have been present in US and continental European hospitals since the mid-1970s, but the UK hospital network has traditionally had a mixed dispensing profile.
By John Allen
27 Aug 2019
Using machine learning as the main approach, computer programs are trained to distinguish and respond to patterns of information.
By Mihaela Dimitrova
27 Aug 2019
This article lists the benefits that industries recieve from automation.
By Ben Pilkington
26 Aug 2019
This article details industrial automation and its applications.
By Ben Pilkington
26 Aug 2019
This article discusses commercializing autonomous vehicles and the challenges that the automotive industry faces.
By Sarah Moore
26 Aug 2019