Feb 1 2011
‘The Force’, Hollis Brookline High School’s FIRST Robotics Team, met Jeanne Shaheen, the U.S. Senate at the Tech Center. The Force team includes 76 students.
Shaheen is co-funding a bill to support several high school children to take up careers based on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, with an intention to develop America as a dominant competitor in the international technology segments.
The new bill will also sponsor several programs like FIRST Robotics for exposing students to STEM topics. The senate discussed with Team 1073, the Force, the co-winner of 2010 Granite State Regional FIRST Robotics contest to find out the working of a popular FIRST Robotics team.
Cindy Matte, Principal of Hollis Brookline High School, briefed about the significance of technology-associated curriculum. Susan Hay, Mentor of the Force team, outlined the significant determinants like advisers, supporters, organization and other major facilities including practice room, machinery and congregation space for building a successful FIRST Robotics team. She also mentioned that the U.S. First Girls program was initiated by their team. This initiative led to 40% increase in the participation of female students.
The students were questioned on the significance of FIRST Robotics. Cameron Whittaker, Senior Student, replied that FIRST Robotics is not just a contest. He added that it encourages many students to implement their technological ideas.