Aug 16 2010
Vix ERG, a leading player in the Australian automated payment and fare collection market, has won yet another contract from its long-term customer, Provincia di Bolzano, for the supply of its latest family of iVal products.
Vix ERG-CP6000 Bus and Rail Validators
This is the first time that iVal products will be supplied to Italy. The agreement, valued at EUR1.7 million, involves the supply of 630 CPG500 contactless validators and 1,050 V6000 magnetic and contactless validators.
Societa Autobus Alto Adige (SAD), the transport operator of Bolzano, will be directly coordinating with Vix ERG regarding the supply of products to the province. The contract, signed in July 2010 between Provincia di Bolzano and Vix ERG France, is expected to strengthen the growth of iVal products in the market. The fulfillment of this contract will take the total number of deployments of iVal by VixERG to 15,000 since the market entry of the product. For the province, this deployment is very important as it is considering a total revamp of its present fare structure and seeks to launch a new check-in/check-out system by the start of 2011.
The iVal products are designed to enhance the efficiency and user experience in ticket and smart card issuance as well as fare processing and smart card loading. They are based on the Viper card reader range of products by Vix ERG and can be upgraded in the future to support EMV and NFC in devices. The products incorporate visual cues, color displays and digital audio features, and are specifically suitable for use in station platforms, ticket offices, trams, buses, ferries and point-of-sale sites under different environmental conditions.