During AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America 2012, Wind River will display its contemporary embedded software capabilities that support unmanned systems. The event will be held from August 7 to 9 in Las Vegas, NV.
Wind River will host a series of demonstrations on its complete portfolio of software solutions such as those highlighting software security and safety, and also embedded system simulation and automated test environments that support unmanned systems.
Wind River will exhibit secure Android tablet integrating situational awareness to control and communications for unmanned systems. In order to secure mobile devices on commercial networks, and mobile tactical edge devices on ad-hoc networks, advancements in trusted silicon capability has to be handled tactically, thereby incorporating Android with certified secure operating system features. In addition, application-level security functionality needs to be integrated within the secure embedded system fabric.
The demonstration will include Wind River’s secure Android platform integrating Security Enhanced (SE) Android developed by the National Security Agency, to Wind River security solution accelerators. Also, significant features and functionalities have been be added to devices. In addition to secure foundation, Wind River will demonstrate a multi-windowing capability through which multiple Android applications will have simultaneous operation.
Wind River will host additional demonstrations such as Unmanned platform simulation with Wind River Simics; Safe and secure FACE (Future Airborne Capability Environment) for unmanned systems with Wind River’s VxWorks 653; and Automated testing for secure mobility with Wind River’s testing solutions.