Hologic has launched two fully automated cervical cancer testing systems, which are the ThinPrep 5000 Sample Transfer System and the Cervista Medium Throughput Automation system at the International Papillomavirus Conference and Clinical Workshop.
This conference is being conducted from September 17th till the 22nd at Germany. A combination of the two automated systems will largely help the small and medium sized laboratories to use a fully automatic Human Papillomavirus (HPV) testing mechanism.
HPV is the leading cause of cervical cancer and is a commonly diagnosed Sexually Transmitted Disease. Small and medium sized laboratories conduct approximately 12,000 HPV tests in a year. Currently, the laboratories are using a manual system, which takes up more time and involves the sample to be tested at various levels manually. The introduction of the new automatic systems eliminates errors and is easy to use. These systems can also be modified to the individual needs of each laboratory.
The Cervista testing system can test 14 types of high risk HPV by using the Invader Technology and fully automate the process of extracting DNA and detecting HPV. ThinPrep can make the process of sample transfer and bar coding fully automatic. Together these systems can process 24 to 96 samples per batch at a single time.
Hologic is also the primary sponsor of a symposium titled, “HPV- Testing out of the ThinPrep PreservCyt Vial: Customer Experiences and Automation Solutions,” at the International Conference. Close to 1,000 people are likely to attend the symposium. Hologic specializes in the development, production and distribution of medical imaging solutions, diagnostic and surgical products, which are targeted specifically towards women’s healthcare.