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Affordable Missile Defense System for Bangladesh

In an article recently submitted to the arXiv* preprint server, researchers introduced a novel and cost-effective missile detection and destruction system that uses ultrasonic sonar, metal detectors, smoke detectors, and infrared sensors. They also developed a computational algorithm for target engagement based on the pure pursuit method. This system aims to help Bangladesh create its missile defense capabilities within its economic constraints. The goal is to autonomously identify, track, intercept, and destroy incoming missiles before they can cause harm.

Affordable Missile Defense System for Bangladesh
Study: Affordable Missile Defense System for Bangladesh. Image Credit: Hamara/


Missile defense is essential for national security and military strategy, particularly against threats from nuclear-armed or rogue states. Initially designed to defend against intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), modern systems also address shorter-range non-nuclear tactical missiles.

Countries like the United States, Russia, India, France, Israel, and China have developed advanced but costly and complex missile defense systems, which require advanced technology and expertise. As a developing country, Bangladesh faces challenges in creating such systems to protect its sovereignty.

Most existing systems often rely on radar, infrared, or electro-optical sensors, which can be expensive, have limited range, and are vulnerable to jamming and false alarms. These systems usually need human intervention, which may not be timely during a crisis. Therefore, innovative and affordable solutions are necessary.

About the Research

The authors proposed and developed a low-cost, high-performance autonomous missile detection and destruction robot. This robot uses affordable, readily available sensors and components and can operate independently or in a network with other robots. It consists of four main parts: missile detection, missile tracking, signal processing, and target engagement.

The missile detection system utilizes ultrasonic sonar, metal detectors, and smoke detectors to determine the presence, distance, and angle of an incoming missile. The tracking system employs an infrared sensor and a homing algorithm to calculate the missile's speed and trajectory. The signal processing is managed by a microcontroller and a transmitter-receiver module that processes sensor signals and sends commands to the engagement system. The engagement system uses a servo motor and a launcher to fire a projectile at the missile.

The robot also includes a transducer, a transmitter, and a receiver, all connected to a microcontroller that controls its movement and actions. It uses a detection algorithm to analyze sensor data and confirm whether the object is a missile that can be destroyed. Following this, a target engagement algorithm intercepts and eliminates the missile using a rocket launcher. Additionally, the robot has a camera and global positioning system (GPS) module to transmit video and location data to a base station.

Research Findings

The authors conducted experiments to assess the robot's performance and accuracy, testing various types of missiles and other objects as targets. They measured response time, detection rate, false alarm rate, and destruction rate. The outcomes showed that the robot could accurately detect and destroy missiles with a low false alarm rate, effectively distinguishing between missiles and non-threats like birds or drones. It performed well in different weather conditions and environments and could communicate with other robots in a network.

Sensitivity analysis further demonstrated that the system is robust and adaptable to various scenarios, effectively managing uncertainties. The researchers highlighted that their system is cost-effective and feasible for implementation in Bangladesh, given its limited resources.


The novel system proved effective, feasible, and cost-effective for missile defense in Bangladesh and other developing countries. It was thoroughly analyzed for sensitivity and robustness under various conditions. The system can also serve civilian purposes, such as monitoring and controlling airspace, detecting and preventing illegal activities, and providing emergency services.

Additionally, it can be modified to detect and destroy drones, rockets, aircraft, tanks, and ships. It can also be integrated with other sensors and systems, such as radar, laser, and GPS, to enhance performance.

Moving forward, the researchers identified limitations and challenges, including the need for more testing, validation, and calibration, vulnerability to jamming and countermeasures, and ethical and legal issues. They suggested using artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and neural networks to improve the system’s intelligence and adaptability.

Journal Reference

Siam, M, K., et al. (2024). Missile detection and destruction robot using detection algorithm. arXiv. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2407.07452,

*Important notice: arxiv publishes preliminary scientific reports that are not peer-reviewed and, therefore, should not be regarded as conclusive or treated as established information.

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Muhammad Osama

Written by

Muhammad Osama

Muhammad Osama is a full-time data analytics consultant and freelance technical writer based in Delhi, India. He specializes in transforming complex technical concepts into accessible content. He has a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in AI & Robotics from Galgotias University, India, and he has extensive experience in technical content writing, data science and analytics, and artificial intelligence.


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