FANUC’S biggest integrator in the Palletizing and case packing segment in North America, Schneider Packaging Equipment has been recognized by FANUC and is to receive four FANUC awards for innovation in usage of Robotics and also in sales volumes.
According to Dick Motley, FANUC Robotics America’s Account Manager for the National Distribution Sales Department, Schneider continues to accept the latest technological developments of FANUC and uses them in the development of innovative robotic packaging applications for their customers. Among the integrators, Schneider has achieved the highest success in the year 2010 with FANUC’s M1iA, a delta robot, which helped them to gain the M-1iA Outstanding Sales Achievement Trophy. To recognize the proficiency and expertise demonstrated in vision-assisted applications utilizing FANUC Robotics iRVision built-in vision system, Schneider was honored with the Excellence in Intelligent Robotics Award. It was also given the Sales Excellence Award and also the Outstanding Sales Growth Trophy for the fifth consecutive time for achieving a minimum of 50% growth in robot sales when compared to the previous year.
Schneider was recognized in the month of February by FANUC Robotics as the foremost supplier of FANUC Robotic automation in the Americas with its sales of the 100,000th robot in North and South America. This sale highlights the fact that many companies were now utilizing robotic technology in the expansion of their overall operations instead of transferring manufacturing operations overseas. Terry Zarnowski, who is the Director of Sales and Marketing in Schneider has revealed that the company was honored to continue the strong relationship, which they had with FANUC Robotics America and was totally committed to the creation of innovative robotic solutions for their customers in terms of uptime, performance, quality, quick changeover flexibility and energy efficiency.