Our brand new energy report - Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) in the Energy Market 2010-2020 - analyses why this market will exhibit robust growth despite the global economic uncertainty. The report explores the market’s strengths and weaknesses with targeted forecasts highlighting areas of growth to exploit.
Our analysis has concluded that the global market for ROVs and AUVs used in the energy market will total $1.2bn in 2010. This report discusses the market for these unmanned systems in detail, explaining its characteristics and growth potential from 2010 onwards. Our market study analyses markets for the two main types of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV), which are Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), illustrating how these vehicles are used within the energy market and how technological advances are likely to impact their use, and their on-going effect on the energy market as a whole.
The report also addresses the various technological capacities some ROVs and AUVs are currently equipped with, including, sonars, communications technology and other advances which have revolutionised their use. Also which manufacturers are leading the way in development of these future-critical products.
As ROVs and AUVs increase their utility for tasks within the energy market and costs go down, generating cost savings potential for energy companies, we expect the markets for these vehicles to flourish. These opportunities are described in detail in the report.