AMX by HARMAN's Enterprise Automation Solutions Recognized with 2015 European Frost & Sullivan Award

Based on its recent analysis of the building automation (BA) market, Frost & Sullivan recognizes AMX by HARMAN's enterprise automation solutions with the 2015 European Frost & Sullivan Award for Growth Excellence Leadership.

AMX long-term and short-term strategies, together with its customer-centric approach, reflect well on its growth. For several years AMX has achieved year-on-year growth rates, greater than the market average and maintained impressive profit margins, profit lines and gross sales.

AMX's commitment to build a product portfolio based on open standards and architecture has enabled them to integrate their offerings with most competing technologies in the BA business. This strategy has also allowed customers, system integrators and end users to mix and match AMX products with that of other market participants.

Along with these benefits, AMX's short-term strategy to educate customers and enforce quality control in the sales channels of BA projects has increased the visibility of its products. Moreover, AMX's dedicated education procedures have helped customers make fully informed decisions.

"By transforming its marketing strategies into educational strategies, AMX has been able to expand its customer base," said Frost & Sullivan Senior Research Analyst Balaji Anand Sagar. "AMX has particularly boosted sales in the government and educational buildings segment, which contributed to more than twice the collective growth of all other segments in the European BA market."

As AMX products are run primarily on highly secure and scalable LINUX architecture, many system integrators in the IT and BA sector have been pulled toward its solutions. The scalability of AMX solutions has allowed customers to automate anything from a small building to large public spaces, with all technologies communicating with each other. Customers have also been able to measure the power of real-time consuming devices as well as manage offline devices, and decide whether a certain space in the facility is being used effectively.

"It is AMX's focus on the flexibility of the customer's facility that has enabled it to cater to simple, single-room automation requirements and scale the solution from there to an entire facility," noted Sagar. "Customers can opt for the company's scheduling and audio-visual solution according to their current budget and expand it for their entire facility in the future."

Overall, constant communication with channel partners, annual customer surveys through end-user forums, and monthly consultants' virtual feedback on product development have enabled AMX to offer such holistic solutions to the market. Close customer contact has also allowed the company to offer a unique experience of global standards and automation to its customers.

Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents this award to the company that demonstrates excellence in capturing the highest annual compound growth rate for the past three years.

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards recognize companies in a variety of regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in areas such as leadership, technological innovation, customer service and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analysis and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry.

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