GeckoSystems Intl. Corp. would like to update our investor community as to the activities we have been engaged in during the past year and anticipate this year. For over fifteen years GeckoSystems has dedicated itself to development of "Mobile Robot Solutions for Safety, Security and Service(tm)."
Marketing – a priority in 2012 and 2013
Last year, 2012, was a very busy year for GeckoSystems and we are excited about this new year! The improved confidence in the US economy along with our ability to successfully demonstrate our proprietary software on the CareBot™ and the SafePath™ wheelchair has increased the level of inquiries and joint venture discussions.
We are most excited about our continued activities in Japan. We have opened a small marketing office in that country with a representative working on joint ventures for GeckoSystems. He has arranged for a demonstration of our BaseBot™, "Lou," at ZMP for a Japanese manufacturing company. This demonstration is scheduled to take place next week.
Additionally, we have retained Mountain Marketing, Inc. in Denver, CO to assist in our U.S. marketing efforts. They update our website routinely and are working on a new site with better navigation and access to our technical discussions. We hope to engage the disabled community and provide additional dealer and manufacturer information on the site. GeckoSystems welcomes OEM inquires about migrating SafePath navigation to existing vehicles and mobile products.
Mountain Marketing is also doing business-to-business marketing of SafePath Enabled™ power wheelchair technology. GeckoSystems believes that SafePath technology will expand the market for power wheelchairs 50% to 200% and is in discussions with domestic wheelchair manufacturers as the result of Mountain Marketing's efforts.
"I'm passionate about getting SafePath Enabled power wheelchairs on the market. Every day lost is a day of enhanced safety and mobility denied to tens of thousands of disabled in the U.S. alone," commented Paula Nelson , President, Mountain Marketing, Inc.
A discussion of the need for SafePath Enabled power wheelchairs and illustrations of what the final product will look like can be found in this report:
Demonstration videos of the first migration of SafePath navigation to a power wheelchair can be viewed here:
Technology Developments in 2012
Technology development progressed nicely this past year. GeckoConfigEd™ and GeckoVerify™ were developed as a result of what was learned in migrating GeckoNav™, GeckoSuper™, GeckoImager™, and GeckoMotorController™ to a locomotion system (a power wheelchair) not of the Company's design. GeckoVerify™ was developed to ease and facilitate the debugging of communications between multiple proprietary GeckoSystems AI software savants. GeckoConfigEd is a user-friendly program that is used to readily configure the nearly one hundred tuning parameters used by GeckoNav, the basic component of SafePath.
GeckoSystems' Current Share Structure
The company regrets that our OTC classification has been downgraded to "Stop" sign. While this gives the indication we are not active in our business activities to support all shareholders that is far from the reality. Since our focus has been on securing joint ventures and marketing, we simply have not had the time or financial means to update our Company filings and information on OTC.
However, we want to inform all shareholders of our current share structure since it was last reported June 30, 2012.
As of February 15, 2013:
In November we secured a Temporary Protective Order in Georgia against Neil Wallace . To date we have not been able to convert that TPO to a Permanent Protection Order, due to inter state personal jurisdiction requirements, not the validity of the need for the PPO. We continue to work on that matter and will keep the shareholders updated. In addition, we are still engaged in litigation with Mr. Wallace and his parents in Delaware. GeckoSystems has a very competent DE attorney who is working diligently regarding these legal issues.
"To all our stakeholders, I am personally very appreciative of your long time support. We have worked over 15 years in developing our "mobile robot solutions for safety, security, and service™" and we continue to believe that our "family first" orientation has enabled us to survive the economic storms of the last few years. We resolutely continue our journey due to our desire to enable families to have a safer, less time stressed, and more cost effective means of caring for their loved ones. Our suite of AI robot technologies is very real, cost effective, and can be used to SafePath Enable mobile platforms not of our design or manufacture. We have several ongoing joint venture discussions consisting of one in Europe, four in the US, and two in Japan. Of course these discussions are sensitive and all parties are under non-disclosure agreements. Our prospects for near term revenues have never been brighter than what they are at present. So while I sincerely regret that we are not Current Information in our filings, we believe our limited resources are better focused on achieving revenues such that our 1300+ stockholder may enjoy the ROI they deserve," stated Martin Spencer , President, GeckoSystems Intl. Corp.