is a leading online provider of lawnmowers within the UK market. With new models rolling out, retailers can provide their customers with the latest and most innovative range of mowers on offer.
In an official release, Honda stated that it will enter the European robotic lawn mower market with its recent model ‘the Honda Miimo’.
With features similar to and exceeding than that of a standard robotic mower, this newly-designed mower uses a bump sensor / proximity detector to detect solid objects. The mower’s blades will bend on contacting hard objects, thereby avoiding the scattering of grass with hazardous fragments of broken blades.
With its simple mowing operation, the electric hover mower has served to be an effective design for ageing population. With new robotic mower designs entering the portfolio, innovation in mowers is becoming more and more advanced.
According to Product Manager at Lawn-Mowers-Shop, Harold Beefy, the mower is innovative and revolutionary with several advanced features translated into it. The cutting modes being incorporated within this novel mower include random-cut setting that creates less damage and stress to the grass. Additionally, the mower is completely self sufficient and operates on a lithium-ion battery with automatic return to its charging station when the power level is low. Based on cost-efficiency, such robotic mowers can surpass standard electric & petrol mowers.