Oct 13 2010
Jefferson Radiology has announced the incorporation of U-Systems’ somo-v Automated Breast Ultrasound System (ABUS) for screening of breast cancer for women with dense breast tissue.
At an educational awareness program held at Jefferson Radiology's Farmington, Jinnah A. Phillips, Director of Breast Imaging, Jefferson Radiology represented his company in declaring the inclusion of ABUS and presented the statistical data behind the utility of ABUS as an addition to mammography in the diagnosis of breast cancer for women with higher breast density. He assured that this automated ultrasound system will provide satisfactory results to the patients. This event was participated by doctors, medical thought experts, local breast cancer survivors and media for spreading awareness about the advantages of supplementary diagnostic tools for women.
Nancy M. Cappello, local breast cancer survivor and President of Are you Dense? , a national association focused on educating people regarding dense breast tissue and the importance of early diagnosis of breast cancer, was the major speaker of the event. She narrated her personal story and educated the show members on the advantages of ABUS.
According to a newly-modified act (Public Act No. 09-41), every mammography report issued to the patients on and after October 1, 2009 should include details regarding breast density as per the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System developed by the American College of Radiology. If notification of dense breast tissue is made, then the patients must be informed regarding the additional diagnostic tests like ultrasound. Joseph J. Crisco, Jr., the State Senator who is in-charge of this amendment has stated that his committee has led Connecticut in spreading awareness on the early screening of breast density to women across Connecticut and he added that they had found that women with higher breast density need extra information and insurance coverage for availing supplementary diagnosis.