Mexican scientists have presented their final robot in the "Mex-One" humanoid project. The "social robotry" humanoid has the capability to walk and also memorize information.
Research scientists at Cinvestav, the Research and Advanced Studies Center in Mexico, who created the robot, stated that in Ibero-America, the "Mex-One" was the most highly developed robot of its type, and that it had better functions than robots created by the U.S., European and Japanese companies.
The humanoid weighs approximately 15 kg and is 1.05 m tall. With its eyes, it has the ability to follow moving objects. The robot would also have the ability to pour water, climb stairs, recognize faces, learn by experience and hold basic conversations. A wireless system that is connected to two computers makes up the cognitive memory, where the robot stores data.
The robot has an open architecture and would allow universities and research centers to develop new ideas, applications and algorithms. Eduardo Bayro, researcher at Cinvestav, states that the humanoid could function as hospital assistant and museum guide. He added that sub-products from Mex-One could lead to devices for performing transplants and operating tumors, and intelligent body parts such as feet and hands for disabled persons.