Deep Learning-based Speckle Imaging Accelerates Powder Size Detection

A recent paper published in the journal Light | Science & Applications introduced an innovative method for non-invasive estimation of powder size distribution (PSD) using a single speckle image. This technique employs engineered pupil functions to enhance the sensitivity of speckle autocorrelation, significantly reducing the time required for PSD analysis. The researchers aimed to address the limitations of traditional methods, especially in industrial applications like pharmaceuticals.

Deep Learning-based Speckle Imaging Accelerates Powder Size Detection
Study: Non-invasive estimation of the powder size distribution from a single speckle image. Image Credit:

Powder Characterization

Characterizing powders, particularly in pharmaceutical manufacturing, ensures product quality and consistency. Traditional methods for estimating PSD often involve imaging and counting individual particles or analyzing scattered light patterns to infer particle sizes. These methods face challenges, including the limited range of imaging optics and extensive sample preparation. Light scattering techniques typically require collecting multiple frames, making them time-consuming and inefficient.

Speckle Imaging Technology

Speckle imaging utilizes coherent light scattering phenomena to create speckle patterns that can be analyzed to obtain information about material surfaces. Since the 1960s, scientists have studied speckle patterns for their ability to reveal surface roughness through statistical properties.

Traditional speckle analysis methods involve reconstructing the amplitude and phase of the optical field, a complex process that is less practical for industrial applications. The noise and weak signals in these methods have also limited their usage. However, recent advancements in machine learning and optical engineering have simplified the interpretation of speckle patterns, making surface characterization faster and more effective.

Non-Invasive PSD Estimation

In this study, the authors introduced a rapid, noninvasive method to estimate PSD from a single speckle image, thereby eliminating the need for multi-frame data collection. Their approach employs deep learning, especially neural networks, to reverse speckle autocorrelation and determine the PSD. The network is trained using a physics-informed semi-generative method, enhancing its accuracy and efficiency.

Methodology and Experimental Setup

The researchers designed the pupil function to increase the sensitivity of speckle autocorrelation to changes in particle size distribution. By blocking specific areas of the pupil, they enhanced key features of the speckle pattern, which are crucial for accurate PSD estimation. This adjustment significantly reduced the total data acquisition and processing time from 15 seconds to 0.25 seconds per frame.

Their experimental setup included a laser speckle probe with a three dimensionally (3D) printed intensity mask to shape the incoming light. The scattered light was then collected and analyzed by a neural network to estimate the PSD. The network was trained on synthetic speckle images generated from a forward model of speckle autocorrelation.

To improve generalization and accuracy, the network was further fine-tuned using real experimental data. Potassium chloride (KCl) powder samples with varying size distributions validated the method. The ground truth PSD was measured using a commercial particle size analyzer, and the neural network's results were compared to this benchmark.

Key Findings and Insights

The outcomes showed that the engineered pupil significantly enhanced the sensitivity of speckle autocorrelation to changes in particle size. The modified speckle pattern exhibited stronger sidelobes, improving the accuracy of PSD estimation from a single frame.

The neural network accurately estimated the PSD with high precision, closely matching the ground truth obtained from the commercial analyzer. The authors also conducted a pilot drying experiment demonstrating the method's real-time capabilities. They tracked the PSD changes during the drying process with a time resolution of 0.25 seconds, providing detailed insights into particle agglomeration and deagglomeration dynamics.

This method's enhanced sensitivity and faster processing make it highly suitable for industrial applications where quick and accurate PSD estimation is essential. Monitoring PSD in real-time can improve efficiency and quality control in drying, blending, and other chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing operations.

Industrial and Scientific Applications

The proposed technique has significant implications across various industries. In pharmaceuticals, real-time PSD monitoring can ensure product uniformity and quality during drying. It can also be applied in battery manufacturing, where precise particle size control is crucial for performance.

Additionally, the method may benefit construction materials, food security, and even currency verification through paper identification. The capability for noninvasive, real-time surface characterization opens new possibilities for enhancing process control and product quality in these fields.

Conclusion and Future Directions

In summary, the novel technique combining pupil function engineering with a neural network effectively estimated PSD from a single speckle image, achieving high accuracy and reduced processing time. This advancement represents a significant step forward in non-invasive surface characterization using speckle imaging, paving the way for rapid industrial adoption and creating new opportunities for real-time monitoring of complex processes across various industries.

Future work should focus on optimizing pupil design further and exploring additional applications of this technique. The potential for real-time, non-invasive surface characterization can be extended to other materials and processes, enhancing the method's versatility and impact. Additionally, integrating advanced imaging and analysis tools could provide deeper insights into material properties and process dynamics.

Journal Reference

Zhang, Q., Pandit, A., Liu, Z. et al. Non-invasive estimation of the powder size distribution from a single speckle image. Light Sci Appl 13, 200 (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41377-024-01563-6,

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Muhammad Osama

Written by

Muhammad Osama

Muhammad Osama is a full-time data analytics consultant and freelance technical writer based in Delhi, India. He specializes in transforming complex technical concepts into accessible content. He has a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in AI & Robotics from Galgotias University, India, and he has extensive experience in technical content writing, data science and analytics, and artificial intelligence.


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