Launching the World's First Robotic ClinicalAssist for Hospitalized Patient Care

This is our pleasure to introduce the world's first Robotic ClinicalAssist, a service of Robot Doctor, LLC for hospitalized patient care, said Dr. Azad Kabir, MD MSPH (Biostatistics). The ClinicalAssist is a computer on the wheel, that will be placed in the hospitalized patient room and will be connected with telemetry monitors and electronic medical records.

The Robot will actively monitor for the availability of abnormal data and collect appropriate medical history that will help to determine patient clinical condition. If appropriate, the ClinicalAssist will call a code blue or rapid response team. The device is built on artificial intelligence programs which are designed to reduce human errors and the workload of the nurses.

The Robotic Clinical Assistant will speak to the patient, inquire about their conditions, collect relevant history and notify the healthcare providers if there are any critical abnormal data."- Azad A Kabir, MD MSPH

Unassisted medical care costs almost one hundred thousand Americans' lives each year due to medical error as per estimates from the Institute of Medicine. In addition, there are enormous pressures on the nurses who are working in the hospitals or in the nursing homes. The patient-nurse ratio recently went even higher to accommodate the nursing shortage nationwide due to the COVID-19 pandemics-related patient surge. A nurse traditionally gets to monitor abnormal vitals and other critical abnormal data and is responsible for calling code and rapid response teams. While serving many patients, it is not possible to attend to multiple patients at the same time as any patient can have acritical abnormal data at any time. These are time-sensitive critical data that need immediate attention which can save patients' lives. The ClinicalAssist will remove this load from the nurse's shoulder and stay vigilant 24x7 even when nurses are taking care of other patients' needs. Thus a Robotic Clinical Assistant would reduce human errors, and prevent nursing exhaustions or burnouts.

Artificial Intelligence programs already are incorporated into almost every sector of human life like auto-driving cars. "The future is here. The adoption of artificial intelligence in healthcare is overdue now. The Doctor Ai technology was used to develop Robot Doctor which was compared with human physicians to determine its efficacy related to triage decision making. The study found that there are no significant differences between Ai and human physicians' decision-making capacity related to finding a correct diagnosis and recommending correct disposition" said Dr, Kabir. The manuscript is under consideration to be published in a journal.

Dr. Azad Kabir, founder, and CEO of Robot Doctor LLC envisioned all hospitals will adopt the technology to reduce deaths among hospitalized patients including those with symptoms of COVID-19. This is the world's first Robot Doctor that was developed using the patented application that mimics expert physician's cognition. There are multiple patents currently under consideration related to the invention. Dr. Kabir believes the invention will solve the global healthcare crisis in the near future and help increase access to healthcare for millions who are living in remote locations. In addition, during any future pandemics, the Robot Doctor can help solve any crisis by reducing providers' workload.


Robot Doctor, LLC

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