Jan 5 2021
Two centuries ago, the Industrial Revolution began to automate "blue-collar" work, allowing higher profits and wider societal improvements like the reduction of famine and the increase in living standards.
Today, Intelligent Automation has the ability to automate "white-collar" work, also called office work, in a shift many are calling the "fourth industrial revolution". With their new book, industry experts Pascal Bornet, Ian Barkin and Jochen Wirtz are at the helm of this.
Intelligent Automation: Welcome to the World of Hyperautomationis the first book on Intelligent Automation (IA). Also called Hyperautomation, IA is one of the most recent and impactful trends in the field of artificial intelligence. IA is a cutting-edge combination of methods and technologies, involving people, organizations, machine learning, low-code platforms, robotic process automation (RPA), and more.
This book is for everyone - whether you are an experienced practitioner, new to the topic, or simply interested in what the future holds for enterprises, work, life, and society as a whole.
The book presents readers with the lessons learned from 100+ IA transformation successes (and failures) and gives readers access to insights garnered from 200+ IA industry experts.
"We want to instil a hope in people of the promise IA holds for a better world," explains Bornet, a global thought leader in the industry. "It may be a recent technology, but it has rapidly taken precedence in application, research and potential. More than 80% of all work globally is office-based, and IA now holds the future keys to better performance, enjoyment and customer experience in the office work arena - not to mention the wider positive impacts for society."
Continuing, "In this book we take readers through the technologies leveraged by IA in a way anyone can understand. In everything from chatbots, sentiment analysis, and Internet of Bodies to machine learning, biometrics and health monitoring - we take readers on a journey through hundreds of stories and use cases, showcasing how it is already changing everything."
Reviews have acclaimed the book. Bernard Marr, internationally best-selling author says, "One of the most important books of our times!". Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, author of NYT Bestseller AI Superpowers writes, "An insightful exploration of Intelligent Automation".
Arianna Huffington adds, "An essential reading for anybody who cares about the future of work".
Further endorsements have been received from the likes of Dr Luc Julia (creator of Apple Siri) and Klaus Schwab (Founder and President of the World Economic Forum).
Intelligent Automation: Welcome to the World of Hyperautomation retails for US$24.99 / £19 (paperback) and US$48 / £40 (hardcover) and is also available in electronic formats. To order or find out more about the work or to read advance praise for the book, visit