Seika Machinery, Inc., a leading provider of advanced machinery, materials and engineering services, is pleased to offer a robotics solution to automate a user assembly or production line process. Automation helps to reduce costs while increasing quality and consistency. To learn more, watch:
Seika Machinery is the authorized distributor of Kawasaki Robotics and YAMAHA robots. Seika collaborated with Kawasaki Robotics Inc.’s engineering team to develop the Sayaka SAM-CT23NJ automated PCB depaneling system combined with the Kawasaki duAro dual-arm SCARA robot. With the new design, the robot performs the loading and unloading of PCBs onto the router.
The Kawasaki / collaborative robot offers easy teaching with a tablet, multi-tasking dual-arm SCARA robot and flexible, easy deployment. The Yamaha industrial robot lineup includes industrial SCARA, cartesian, orbit, arm robots and a vision system.
Whether customers are considering implementing automation in their production, assembly line and/or warehouse operation, Seika Machinery Robotics can help.