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NHTSA Launches Study Focusing on Impact of SCRAM Alcohol Anklets

A nationwide study has been launched by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to examine the impact of the Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor (SCRAM) alcohol anklet in reducing recidivism among drunken driving offenders.

This study is being carried out by the Preusser Research Group (PRG) and gives emphasis to jurisdictions dealing with 1,000 or more offenders.

This alcohol testing system, in the form of an anklet, has been used by offenders to keep a check on alcohol compliance throughout the day. The device works effectively by obtaining samples of an offender's perspiration every half an hour.

An earlier version of the system called SCRAMx, a home detention monitoring device, was developed by the Denver-based Alcohol Monitoring Systems (AMS) in 2010. However, the recent study conducted by NHTSA focuses solely on the impact caused by the alcohol monitoring device.

The study of the impact of the SCRAM device for checking the compliance of impaired driving offenders is the second relevant study conducted by NHTSA. The study conducted by PRG will be useful to compare and contrast the recidivism rates of offenders and to analyze the condition of those who do not consent to SCRAM monitoring.

The objective of the PRG study is to evaluate the circumstances, under which SCRAM is being used. In addition, it also helps to determine the expenditure involved in monitoring. The study tests, whether the imposed period of sobriety is maintained and is a vital factor for determining future rates of re-offense. The appropriate methods for classification of data for evaluating the effectiveness of the device are also investigated.

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