Buildings are responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. As such, their environmental impacts must be reduced to meet EU 2020 goals of a 20% reduction in GHG emissions and energy consumption.

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While the construction industry acknowledges the importance of energy efficiency, the environmental impacts of building products are less understood. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is one of the most powerful analytical tools for evaluating a product’s, processes, or service’s environmental impacts over its entire life cycle.
An LCA study takes a long time to complete and necessitates detailed analysis and systematic investigation to model the product system. Various methods were used to estimate the environmental impact of its products and product systems; game theory (GT) agent-based model (ABM). In several cases, ABM and LCA have been combined.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field that encompasses all that makes a machine intelligent. A subset of AI, Machine learning (ML), relates to mathematical and statistical algorithms that learn from existing datasets to improve future performance.
A recently developed method for predicting a product’s or service’s environmental impacts by learning from Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) of construction products has been published in the MDPI journal sustainability.
Based on previous LCA studies and results, the suggested method is the first attempt to evaluate the values of four impact categories: abiotic depletion potential for fossil resources, global warming potential, photochemical ozone creation potential, and acidification potential.
These four impact categories were chosen from a pool of seven total indicators in the database because of their varying levels of robustness, as defined by the European Commission’s EF 3.0.
An EPD can be created for any product; they are now widely available for construction products that adhere to the EN 15804: A1 standard. EPDs are frequently published on websites that are governed by policies established by stakeholders such as industry associations, governments, or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). EPD data based on EN 15804: A1 is available online in the ÖKOBAUDAT platform, a standardized database.
The current research uses EPD data from construction products in the ÖKOBAUDAT database. EPD datasets are available in XML and Hypertext Markup Language on the ÖKOBAUDAT platform (HTML).
The EPDs were downloaded using a Selenium 3.1-based automated web-scraping tool written in Python. The ML algorithm that forecasts the impact assessment results for a given category used this descriptive and categorical data as inputs.
The information was gathered from 1188 EPDs on the KOBAUDAT platform. Both product and service LCA data were included in EPDs. There are 980 EPDs in the processed dataset, each with seven critical pieces of information.
The information is characterized using algorithms from the field of AI known as Natural Language Processing (NLP), a subfield of AI that deals with converting large amounts of text data into features that can be used in various machine learning algorithms. The encoded matrix of three sentences, as well as the number of words in each sentence, are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Encoded matrix of the bag of words. Source: Koyamparambath et al., 2022
Product |
Seal |
Component |
Treat |
Cool |
Steel |
Metal |
Work |
Hot |
Name 1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Name 2 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Name 3 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
The qualitative data from the EPD is processed using NLP to create a corpus of words, which is then observed for the number of times each word appears in the EPD. Figure 1 illustrates the procedure.

Figure 1. A flow diagram representation of the ensemble method. Image Credit: Koyamparambath et al., 2022
In a single instance, only one impact category can be predicted. As a result, the impact category values are segregated from the dataset, and data for one impact category is collected for all data points. The amount of training data available impacts the model’s performance. The random forest algorithm is used to model the machine learning process flow in Figure 1.
A tree-based algorithm divides the dataset into segments based on criteria until the best result is found. Random Forest (RF) is a classification and regression ensemble learning method that creates many decision trees. RF creates multisets of original data from datasets to generate additional data for training.
The dataset contains over 1500 features, which may cause the model to overfit. As a result, the method’s hyperparameters are modified. To improve the model’s prediction performance, Python has several modules for manipulating hyperparameters.
For tuning the model’s hyperparameters, grid search and random search algorithms are commonly used. A set of hyperparameter values is declared in a grid search. The predicted values are compared to the values of the selected indicator in the testing dataset.
Results and Discussion
Any product group for which EPDs have already been prepared based on agreed-upon PCRs can use the method developed. The database of EPDs produced after data processing is split into two datasets as a first step in the analysis.
After that, only the input variables are used to estimate the values of the impact categories chosen. The data input to the algorithm and the prediction put forth by the algorithm is depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Inputs and outputs of the Machine Learning model. Image Credit: Koyamparambath et al., 2022
In random selection, 80% (784 EPDs) of the 980 EPDs were employed to train the model in iterations. The grid search algorithm optimized the model’s hyperparameters to find the best choice for each iteration.
R2 analysis and mean squared error are used to assess the model’s performance. The Kullback–Leibler divergence method is used to calculate the R2 value. Table 2 shows the model’s performance for various impact categories. In addition, the table shows the calculated error between the actual and predicted values.
Table 2. Mean squared error (MSE), R-squared analysis (R2), and the number of data points of the predicted impact categories. Source: Koyamparambath et al., 2022
Impact Category |
Number of Data Points |
Mean Squared Error |
R-Squared Results |
Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential |
196 |
0.07 |
70% |
Abiotic depletion potential for fossil resources |
196 |
0.01 |
77% |
Global warming potential |
196 |
0.28 |
81% |
Acidification potential |
196 |
1.12 |
68% |
The average squared difference between the predicted and actual values is measured using a statistical method known as the mean squared error (MSE). Outliers have a big impact on regression models. As shown in Figure 3, outliers are the points away from the cluster cloud of points below each impact category.

Figure 3. Visualization of prediction plot for the entire dataset for all the impact categories: (A) Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential, (B) Abiotic Depletion for Fossil Resources, (C) Global Warming Potential, (D) Acidification Potential. Image Credit: Koyamparambath et al., 2022
Figure 3 depicts the regression results and shows that, with the exception of a few outliers, the actual values are close to the prediction line. To demonstrate the application, an EPD is chosen from the testing dataset. Table 3 summarizes the outcome of the prediction.
Table 3. Predicted results and actual values of the seven environmental indicators from the EPD “reinforcement steel wire.” Source: Koyamparambath et al., 2022
Environmental Impact Indicators |
Values |
Units |
Values |
Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP) |
0.000266 |
kg Ethene eq. |
0.00019152 |
Abiotic depletion potential for fossil resources (ADPF) |
7.627 |
MJ |
6.102 |
Global warming potential (GWP) |
0.6834 |
kg CO2 eq. |
0.564 |
Acidification potential (AP) |
0.001282 |
kg SO2 eq. |
0.00071792 |
According to the findings, the prediction accuracy of key indicators is much higher than the others. Furthermore, due to the bagging and encoding of the descriptive data, the number of features used is much higher than the database size. Overall, the results of the method displayed the capability to use regression analysis with qualitative data from a newly implemented product.
The growing demand for information about the environmental effects of products and services prompts the development of an AI-based model that can predict them with minimal time, data, and modeling. This article presents a working AI-based prediction model based on an existing database of EPDs, which is a way of harmonizing LCA results.
The results show that the model can indicate environmental impact categories using regression analysis and qualitative product information. The researchers plan to apply this method to other product groups as well as non-aggregated datasets of LCA results.
The more EPDs there are, the more precise the results will be. Combining multiple EPD databases for construction products from various countries as an enlarged data source, first at the European level and then at the international level, could be an exciting step forward.
Journal Reference
Koyamparambath, A., Adibi, N., Szablewski, C., Adibi, S. A., Sonnemann, G. (2022) Implementing Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Predict Environmental Impacts: Case of Construction Products. Sustainability, 14(6), p. 3699. Available Online:
References and Further Reading
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