During harvest season, a significant labor workforce is required to meet fruit picking targets. However, with high labor costs and seasonal staff shortages, the fresh fruit industry is turning to agricultural robots to meet demands. While this reduces stress on orchards, for a harvesting robot, accurately locating fruit remains a complex challenge.

Image Credit: mythja/Shutterstock.com
Red Green Blue Depth (RGBD) cameras are considered a promising method to improve robotic perception and are a low cost, practical improvement for agricultural robots. In a study published to the MDPI journal Remote Sensing, a novel approach is proposed to improve the accuracy of fruit localization using RGBD cameras.
The fruit recognition methods can be categorized into three types: deep-convolutional-neural-network-based, single-feature-based, and multi-feature-based.
At present, the deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) has become the commonly used fruit recognition method. Many network models—YOLOv3, LedNet, Faster RCNN, Mask RCNN, YOLACT, and YOLACT-edge—were efficiently used in locating apple fruits (Table 1).
Table 1. The summary of deep learning methods of apple detection. Source: Li, et al., 2022
Networks Model |
Precision (%) |
Recall (%) |
mAP (%) |
F1-Score (%) |
Reference |
Improved YOLOv3 |
97 |
90 |
87.71 |
— |
[4] |
LedNet |
85.3 |
82.1 |
82.6 |
83.4 |
[5] |
Improved R-FCN |
95.1 |
85.7 |
— |
90.2 |
[11] |
Mask RCNN |
85.7 |
90.6 |
— |
88.1 |
[8] |
DaSNet-v2 |
87.3 |
86.8 |
88 |
87.3 |
[12] |
Faster RCNN |
— |
— |
82.4 |
86 |
[13] |
Improved YOLOV5s |
83.83 |
91.48 |
86.75 |
87.49 |
[14] |
mAP represents mean Average Precision; F1-score means the balanced F-score F1=2⋅precision×recall/(precision+recall).
As the DCNN-based method is easily flexible to different kinds of fruits and can generalize to complex environments, it is employed in this study to propose the fruit recognition algorithm.
The suggested detection and localization method for occluded apple fruits depends on deep learning and a point-cloud-processing algorithm, which is illustrated in Figure 1. The flow of the proposed approach includes the attainment of the fruits’ sensing images, recognition of apple fruit, fruit central line and frustum proposal, the point cloud generation for the visible parts of apples, and the identification of the size, centroid, and pose.

Figure 1. The overall workflow of the proposed method for occluded apple localization. Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022
The proposed method was implemented based on the hardware platform, as depicted in Figure 2 (a–c).

Figure 2. Hardware platform of the robotic system in the orchard experiments. (a–c) are the hardware platform of the robotic system; (d) is the verification platform with a Realsense D435i and a 64-line LiDAR to acquire the true values of fruits. Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022
Two types of image datasets were used in this study to train the segmentation network for the suggested apple localization algorithm. One was the open-source MinneApple dataset and the other dataset was RGBD apple dataset obtained by the Realsense D435i RGBD camera. As illustrated in Figure 3, various conditions were considered in the preparation.

Figure 3. The apple fruits under different illuminations and occlusions. Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022
The dataset was split in a ratio of 4:1, for the training and validation sets, respectively. The study employed pre-trained models to implement transfer learning. The results of the comparison are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Performance comparisons of different networks on apple instance segmentation. Source: Li, et al., 2022
Average Precision (AP) |
Network |
Backbone |
Non-Occlusion |
Leaf-Occlusion |
Branch-Occlusion |
Fruit-Occlusion |
Model |
Bbox |
Mask |
Bbox |
Mask |
Bbox |
Mask |
Bbox |
Mask |
Mask |
ResNet-50 |
38.14 |
40.12 |
29.56 |
28.14 |
9.1 |
6.14 |
13.2 |
8.85 |
17.3 |
ResNet-101 |
38.39 |
39.62 |
25.13 |
25.96 |
7.61 |
5.23 |
9.96 |
7.88 |
14.5 |
MS |
ResNet-50 |
38 |
38.12 |
27.04 |
25.27 |
4.88 |
6.36 |
9.03 |
8.29 |
17.1 |
ResNet-101 |
39.09 |
40.66 |
27.98 |
24.97 |
7.52 |
7.05 |
10.99 |
10.36 |
13.6 |
ResNet-50 |
43.53 |
44.27 |
26.29 |
26.08 |
16.67 |
13.35 |
15.33 |
14.61 |
35.2 |
ResNet-101 |
39.85 |
41.48 |
28.07 |
27.56 |
11.61 |
11.31 |
21.22 |
21.88 |
34.3 |
++ |
ResNet-50 |
42.62 |
44.03 |
32.06 |
35.49 |
18.17 |
13.8 |
21.48 |
20.28 |
31.1 |
ResNet-101 |
43.98 |
45.06 |
34.23 |
36.17 |
15.46 |
13.49 |
11.52 |
13.33 |
29.6 |
Figures 4, 5, 6 provide the comparative test results of the networks. Depending on the analysis, YOLACT++ (ResNet-101) is chosen as the instance segmentation network for apples in this study, and certain test results are demonstrated in Figure 7.

Figure 4. Performance of the detection and segmentation of YOLACT++ network in cloudy conditions. (a) ResNet-50; (b) ResNet-101. Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022

Figure 5. Performance of the detection and segmentation of YOLACT++ network in front light in sunny conditions. (a) ResNet-50; (b) ResNet-101. Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022

Figure 6. Performance of the detection and segmentation of YOLACT++ network in back lighting in sunny conditions. (a) ResNet-50; (b) ResNet-101. Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022

Figure 7. Detection results of YOLACT++ (ResNet-101) under different illuminations and occlusions. The numbers on the bounding boxes denote the classes of the targets, Class 1: non-occluded, Class 2: leaf-occluded, Class 3: branch/wire-occluded, Class 4: fruit-occluded. Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022
In Figure 8, it can be seen that Target A and Target B had a poor depth filling rate to various extents, and can be seen in two different views. Point clouds on the Target A and Target B surface were not spherical, resulting in difficulties in the analysis of morphological features.

Figure 8. Distortion and fragments of the point clouds of the partially occluded fruits (Target A and Target B). Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022
To resolve this issue, the study proposes a pipeline for fruit high-precision localization with occlusions.
The fundamental problem for a robotic harvest is determining the fruit’s center. however, there are outliers and deficiencies in the point clouds due to the sensors’ characteristics and mask segmentation inaccuracies, resulting in distorted and fragmentary results in a scenario where the acquired point clouds (Figure 9).

Figure 9. distortion and fragments of the targets’ point clouds. a) Non-occluded fruits’ point clouds with little distortion and good completeness; (b) leaf-occluded fruits’ point clouds with considerable distortion and good completeness; (c) leaf-occluded fruits’ point clouds with considerable distortion and fragments. Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022
To obtain the coordinate on the z-axis, the bounding boxes of fruits on the RGB image can be lifted to a frustum and a 3D central line, by using the aligned depth image and the RGB camera’s intrinsic parameter matrix, as illustrated in Figure 10.

Figure 10. 2D bounding boxes on RGB images and their corresponding point cloud frustums. Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022
In the frustum, there are point clouds of non-fruit, like the background, leaves and branches as depicted in Figure 11. t is essential to filter the point cloud of the fruit from non-fruit objects. Two steps are performed to end this issue.
- Generation of point clouds under the fruits’ masks, as shown in Figure 12.
- Selection of the most likely point cloud.

Figure 11. The point cloud in a frustum of partially occluded fruits, including point clouds of fruits (in blue), leaves, the background, and noise. View 1 and View 2 are two different angles of view of the point cloud: View 1 (left front); View 2 (front). Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022

Figure 12. The generating process of point clouds and frustum from RGBD images. Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022
Results and Discussion
The study conducted three groups of tests at the distances taken from the row of trees and at the view of the right, left, and middle of the target tree, as illustrated in Figure 13.

Figure 13. The fruits of the comparison tests at three different distances and views. Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022
Table 3 shows the estimating errors of the center and radius using the proposed method and the bounding-box-based method in the total amount and different testing groups.
Table 3. The experimental results of the locating performance with the proposed method and the bounding-box-based method. Source: Li, et al., 2022
Group 1 |
Group 2 |
Group 3 |
Total |
bbx mtd. |
our mtd. |
bbx mtd. |
our mtd. |
bbx mtd. |
our mtd. |
bbx mtd. |
our mtd. |
Center |
Max. error (mm) |
49.65 |
47.24 |
49.01 |
49.07 |
48.46 |
42.80 |
49.65 |
49.07 |
Min. error (mm) |
2.24 |
0.05 |
4.79 |
0.19 |
0.67 |
1.65 |
0.67 |
0.05 |
Med. error (mm) |
17.16 |
5.69 |
24.43 |
8.25 |
21.44 |
14.94 |
19.77 |
8.03 |
Mean error (mm) |
18.36 |
9.15 |
24.43 |
13.73 |
22.70 |
17.74 |
21.51 |
12.36 |
Std. error (mm) |
11.09 |
9.99 |
13.55 |
13.10 |
13.15 |
10.38 |
12.74 |
11.59 |
Radius |
Max. error (mm) |
14.47 |
1.21 |
27.11 |
6.72 |
14.84 |
5.44 |
27.11 |
6.72 |
Min. error (mm) |
0.01 |
0.54 |
0.08 |
1.18 |
0.14 |
0.26 |
0.01 |
0.26 |
Med. error (mm) |
4.01 |
0.98 |
3.40 |
1.37 |
4.26 |
2.22 |
3.97 |
1.18 |
Mean error (mm) |
4.78 |
0.96 |
4.77 |
1.48 |
4.61 |
2.41 |
4.74 |
1.43 |
Std. error (mm) |
3.20 |
0.14 |
4.89 |
0.69 |
3.83 |
1.04 |
3.90 |
0.84 |
Figures 14 and 15 are presented to explain the relationship between distances and center/radius error, where the x-axis represents the errors divided into five groups and the y-axis represents the number of samples accordingly. 
Figure 14. Quantities’ distributions of the center errors and radius errors with different sensing distances. a, b) are with the bounding-box-based method; (c, d) are with the proposed method. Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022

Figure 15. Quantities’ distributions of the center errors and radius errors with the proposed method and the bounding-box-based method. a, b) are the results of Group 1; (c, d) are the results of Group 2; (e, f) are the results of Group 3. Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022
Figure 16 and Figure 17 also show experimental results of localization and approaching vector estimations.

Figure 16. The fit spheres of fruits and their approaching vectors at 800 mm. Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022

Figure 17. The localizations and estimations of approaching vectors of fruits with the proposed method. a–d) demonstrate four samples of experimental results with different apple trees. Image Credit: Li, et al., 2022
The study determined that the performance of fruit location accuracy was also based on the precision of central line extraction depending on 2D bounding boxes and 2D masks in our experiments.
Furthermore, the results of the experiment revealed that the depth data filling rate went through degradation in the back-lighting condition, owing to the impact of RGBD sensor performance. The localization precision under good lighting conditions outdid the case with the back-lighting illumination by this proposed method.
This study investigated the problem of localizing apple fruits for harvesting robots under occluded conditions. It also proposed a network for a frustum-based processing pipeline and apple fruit target instance segmentation for point clouds generated from RGBD images.
In the case of partial occlusion, the experimental results in orchards revealed that the proposed method enhanced the performance of fruits’ localization. The success of the suggested method offers the following benefits: (a) strength to the low fill rate in an open-air setting; (b) precision when a partial occlusion is present; and (c) offering the forthcoming direction for the robotic gripper to pick for the reference.
Journal Reference:
Li, T., Feng, Q., Qiu, Q., Xie, F., Zhao, C. (2022) Occluded Apple Fruit Detection and Localization with a Frustum-Based Point-Cloud-Processing Approach for Robotic Harvesting. Remote Sensing, 14(3), p. 482. Available Online: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/14/3/482.
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