TJ ProTM offers a sophisticated, expandable, programmable, autonomous, mobile robot with features found on units costing twice as much. This robot uses the same body as the TJ robot. TJ ProTM is available in an aircraft plywood or black ABS plastic body. It rides on two 2.75 inch Du-Bro wheels and a rear skid driven by a pair of servos, hacked as gearhead motors.
TJ Pro Controller
Mekatronix MTJPRO11TM provides the brains and communication capability of the TJ ProTM.
Control and Communication Features:
- MC68HC11 microcontroller.
- 32Kbytes of SRAM.
- Five-volt serial communication interface for downloading and uploading programs and data to a personal computer. The serial bus implements RS-232 protocol except for the voltages.The Mekatronix circuit board MB2325 (sold separately) converts this processor serial bus to a standard RS-232 bus.
- High speed, 5volt synchronous serial bus. Up to 1 MHz data rate.
- 5 Volt regulator.
- Low-voltage-inhibit reset circuit.
- Memory Save Feature supplies power to the SRAM to prevent loss of code and data in memory.