Obviously oxygen monitoring, and its control, is one of the key parameters to a successful aquaculture operation.Also suitable for waste water treatment, industrial processes and environmental monitoring.At the heart of our system is the Llyn Aqua Sensor -1, 'LAS-1', sensor monitoring unit combined with the Llyn Aqua Sensor Management 'LASM' software. Each LAS-1 unit has 8 inputs (any combination of oxygen, temperature, pH, switches). On request we can adapt the signal from any probe and make the appropriate software modifications to make the system totally flexible. AS well as a common alarm output there are 8 further outputs. Each one can be linked to any of the 8 inputs, so multiple triggers (from anyone or more of the inputs) can be linked any one or more of the outputs. Also, any number of alarm trigger points can be set for each channel.
The system has now been tested in house and in the field for 2 years and is very reliable, with all data being stored and managed from a dedicated PC / Laptop, it can be viewed and controlled from any point in the network (or www). Our largest installation to date has 8 units running on one network. The current version of the software allows up to 20 units on each network (160 points of monitoring), and the version currently.